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Aibin Yan

Prof. Dr. Aibin Yan (闫爱斌)

Anhui Provincial Distinguished Young Scholar Fund Receiver (安徽省杰青)

Full Professor and Ph.D. Supervisor with National Demonstrative School of Microelectronics (教授 博导)
Director of Institute of Chip Design & Test (所长)
Address: A1802 Sci & Edu Bldg, Danxia 485, Hefei Univ. of Tech., China (合肥工业大学翡翠科教楼A1802)
Contact: abyan@mail.ustc.edu.cn QQ: 10254566

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One latest news: Congratulations to Director Aibin Yan for being selected once again by Stanford University as one of the world's top 2% scientists (2023).
近期新闻一则: 祝贺闫爱斌所长2023年再次入选全球前2%顶尖科学家。


    Dr. Aibin Yan is a Full Professor, PhD Supervisor and "Huangshan" Outstanding Young Scholar, with the National Demonstrative School of Microelectronics, Hefei University of Technology (HFUT), China. In recent years, he received Outstanding Young Graduate Tutor award in Anhui Province, a Distinguished Young Scholar Fund of Anhui Provincial Department of Education and was funded by an Outstanding Young Talent Support Program Key Project of Anhui Provincial Universities. In 2021, he created the Anhui University Institute of Chip Design and Test serving as a director. In 2022, he was reported/selected by Stanford University as one of the world's top 2% scientists as well as the only selected scholar of China mainland "211 university" in the field of computer hardware & architecture. He is now an Expert in the Library of both Anhui and Guangdong Provincial Department of Science & Technology of China, a Standing Committee Member on Fault Tolerant Computing as well as Integrated Circuit Design of CCF. He is an Editorial Board Member of IEEE TVLSI and IEEE TCASII, an Editorial Board Member (currently the 2nd person from China mainland) of the Journal of Electronic Testing, and a young Editorial Board Member of the Microelectronics & Computer Journal of China. During 2018.9-2019.9, he visited the WEN Lab, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan, under the support of China Scholarship Council (CSC), and under the supervision of Prof. Xiaoqing WEN, an IEEE Fellow, for a full year of time. During that year, he participated in chip design, tape out and test. He is now an IEEE Senior Member, CCF Distinguished Member and a CIE Tenure Member.
    In recent years, he served as General Chair of the CCF@U & China-Japan (Germany) Bilateral International Workshop on Dependable ICs (1st for CCF TCFTC & TCICD), Program Chair of the 8th IEEE ITC-Asia, Program Chair of the CCF Inspiring Conference & National Advanced IC Technology Conference (1st for CCF CFTC), Session Chair of 52nd IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (2020), Tutorial+Session Chair and TPC Member of 32nd IEEE Asian Test Symposium (2023), Publicity Chair and TPC Member of 27th IEEE Asian Test Symposium (2018), Session Chair of 5th IEEE International Test Conference in Asia (2021), Forum Chair of 18th China National Computer Congress (2021), Publicity Chair (and Forum Chair of Fault Tolerance for Commercial Aerospace) of 20th China Fault Tolerance Conference (2023), Session Chair of the 2nd CCF IC Design and Automation Conference, Chair of CCF@U & Aerospace Integrated Circuit Summit Forum, Project Reviewer of National Natural Science Foundation of China, PhD/MSE Dissertation Reviewer of the Degree Center of the Ministry of Education, and Reviewer for IEEE TCAD, IEEE TIE, IEEE TAES, IEEE TETC, IEEE TCASI/II, IEEE TR, IEEE TVLSI, IEEE Tnano, IEEE TDMR, IEEE TNS, ACM TODAES, etc. He illustrated regular/poster papers for 30+ times in international conferences. He received a Best Paper Award in China Test Conference (2018), a Best Paper Candidate Award in GLSVLSI (2022), ITC-Asia (2023), a Best Paper Award in AsianHOST (2022), the First Prize of Anhui Province Teaching Achievement Award, and a China National Award of "Challenge Cup" Extracurricular Academic and Technological Works Competition as well as an Anhui Provincial Grand-Prize Award (Tutor). In recent years, he served as a supervisor of 28 master students including a PhD candidate and his master students received 20,000 RMB China Scholarship Award in 2020~2023 for 7 times. His master students also received Provincial Outstanding Graduate Award as well as Outstanding Master Thesis Award, Pacemaker for Merit Student Award and Pacesetter for Outstanding Graduate Award. He also guided students to obtain National College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Projects to obtain excellent conclusions for several times.
    He published roughly 100+ technical papers, such as IEEE TC, TVLSI, TCAD, TETC, TAES, TCASI/II, TR, TDMR, DAC, DATE, ICCD, DSN, ATS, VTS, ISCAS, ITC-Asia. His 9 published papers in IEEE TCAD, TVLSI, TETC and TAES were selected as ESI Highly Cited (Hot) Papers. He presented his research for 30+ times in International Conferences, such as IEEE DAC, DATE, ICCD, DSN, ISCAS, ATS, VTS, DSA, ITC-Asia, etc. He now holds 20 China Patents about fault tolerance of integrated circuits as well as 2 released software copyright about integrated circuit simulations. He was funded by 12 National or Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China as investigator for half of them. His research interests include fault-tolerance and test of digital circuits, soft error rate analysis, QCA quantum circuit design, memory design and computing in memory based on new RAMs, and aerospace micro-system design.

    2002.9-2006.7 B.E degree, Jilin Normal University, Computer Science and Technology major.
    2006.9-2009.7 Master degree, University of Science and Technology of China, Software Engineering major.
    2012.9-2015.12 PhD degree, Hefei University of Technology, Computer Application Technology major.


    闫爱斌博士,合肥工业大学示范性微电子学院教授、博导、黄山学者优秀青年、安徽省杰青和高校优青、安徽省优秀青年研究生导师、安徽大学芯片设计与测试研究所首任所长。2022年入选美国斯坦福大学发布的全球前2%顶尖科学家“年度影响力”榜单,在计算机硬件与系统结构领域为中国大陆211高校唯一的入选学者。担任安徽省/广东省科技厅在库专家、中国计算机学会(CCF)容错计算专委会和CCF集成电路设计专委会常务委员、CCF B类国际期刊IEEE TVLSI编委、CAA B类国际期刊IEEE TCASII编委、CCF推荐SCI期刊Journal of Electronic Testing编委 (中国大陆唯二)、微电子学与计算机期刊首届青年编委。他于18至19年通过国家公派留学访问日本九州工业大学,师从IEEE会士(院士级别)温晓青教授,参与了芯片设计、流片与测试。现为IEEE高级会员、CCF杰出会员、中国电子学会(CIE)终身会员。
    近年来,担任CCF走进高校暨可信集成电路中日(中德)双边国际研讨会大会主席、第8届IEEE国际测试会议亚洲分会程序主席、CCF容错专委首届CCF启智会暨先进集成电路技术大会程序主席、第52届IEEE电路与系统国际会议分会主席、第32届IEEE亚洲测试会议Tutorial主席+会场主席+TPC委员、第27届IEEE亚洲测试会议宣传主席+TPC委员、第5届IEEE国际测试会议亚洲分会分会主席、第18届CCF中国计算机大会可信芯片设计与测试论坛主席、第20届CCF全国容错计算学术会议宣传主席/商业航天容错论坛主席、第2届CCF集成电路设计与自动化学会会议分会主席、CCF走进合肥高校暨宇航集成电路高峰论坛总主席、国家自然科学基金项目函评专家、教育部学位中心博士学位论文和留学生学位论文评审专家、12个国际著名期刊IEEE/ACM Trans审稿专家。在国际会议上汇报或展示研究成果30余次,获得权威学术会议CTC'18最佳论文奖,GLSVLSI'22 / ITC-Asia'23最佳论文提名奖,AsianHOST'22最佳论文奖,在IEEE TCAD/TETC/TVLSI/TAES期刊上发表的论文入选为ESI高被引/热点论文(9篇),获得安徽省教学成果一等奖2项,安徽省“挑战杯”大学生课外学术作品大赛特等奖(国赛三等奖、指导教师)。近四年,指导硕士生7人次获得国家奖学金各2万元的资助、指导硕士生获得省级优秀毕业生和优秀硕士论文、校级三好学生标兵和优秀研究生标兵,多次指导本科生获得国家级省级大创项目优秀结题。闫老师的主要研究方向为:数字电路容错与测试、软错误率计算、QCA量子电路设计、基于新型RAM的存储器设计与存算一体、宇航容错微系统设计。

Ph.D. & Master Students (order by year desc, name asc)

35.Chen Dong, 34.Han Bao, 33.Jiajia Zhang, 32.Kun Li, 31.Wangjin Jiang, 30.Yongkang Xu, 29.Zhiyuan Pei, 28.Zhongyu Gao/PhD, 27.Chao Zhou, 26.Fan Xia, 25.Litao Wang, 24.Xuehua Li, 23.Yang Chang, 22.Yuting He, 21.Zhen Shen, 20.Zhuoyuan Lin, 19.Jing Xiang, 18.Runqi Liu, 17.Shaojie Wei, 16.Yu Chen, 15.Zhen Zhou, 14.Zhixing Li, 13.Aoran Cao, 12.Kuikui Qian, 11.Liang Ding, 10.Zhengzheng Fan, 9.Zhihui He, 8.Yan Chen, 7.Zhelong Xu, 6.Jun Zhou, 5.Xiangfeng Feng, 4.Yuanjie Hu, 3.Kang Yang, 2.Yafei Ling, 1.Zhen Wu.

Funded Projects

12. 安徽省杰出青年科研项目, "宇航芯片冗余容错(No.2022AH020014)," 2022.12-2025.12, 项目负责人, 主持.
11. 安徽省高校优秀青年人才支持计划重点项目, "宇航集成电路容错设计研究(No.gxyqZD2022005)," 2022.2-2024.12, 项目负责人, 主持.
10. 中科院计算所计算机系统结构国家重点实验室开放课题, "基于MRAM和RRAM的高可靠非易失存储器设计与测试(No.CARCHA202101)," 2021.11-2023.10, 项目负责人, 主持.
9. 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目, "抗辐射加固存储单元电路的设计与测试的研究(No.62111540164)," 2021.4-2023.12, 项目负责人, 主持.
8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, "抗单粒子多节点翻转与多瞬态的加固单元设计研究(No.61974001)," 2020.1-2023.12, 项目负责人, 主持.
7. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目, "纳米集成电路软错误率评估关键技术研究(No.61604001)," 2017.1-2019.12, 项目负责人, 主持.
6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, "星载系统芯片(SoC)的抗辐射加固设计研究(No.61574052)," 2016.1-2019.12, 参与.
5. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目, "无防篡改设备的高效车载自组网隐私保护关键技术研究(No.61702005)," 2018.1-2020.12, 参与.
4. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目, "强干扰下异构蜂窝选择博弈的均衡坍塌问题研究," 2016.1-2018.12, 参与.
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, "三维片上网络通信自适应容错方法研究," 2015.1-2018.12, 参与.
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, "纳米CMOS集成电路抗老化设计," 2014.1-2017.12, 参与.
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, "基于TSV的3D芯片"绑定中测试"关键问题研究," 2015.1-2018.12, 参与.

Accepted/Publicized Works

Note: CCF and CAA denote China Computer Federation and Chinese Association of Automation, respectively.
[] Aibin Yan, Zhixing Li, Zhongyu Gao, Jing Zhang, Zhengfeng Huang, Tianming Ni, Jie Cui, Xiaolei Wang, Patrick Girard, and Xiaoqing Wen, "MURLAV: A Multiple-Node-Upset Recovery Latch and Algorithm-based Verification Method," IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2024, CCF A类. DOI: 10.1109/TCAD.2024.3357593
[] Aibin Yan, Litao Wang, Jie Cui, Zhengfeng Huang, Tianming Ni, Patrick Girard, and Xiaoqing Wen, "Non-Volatile Latch Designs with Node-Upset Tolerance and Recovery using Magnetic Tunnel Junctions and CMOS," IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 116-127, 2024. CCF B类, 中科院大类二区. DOI: 10.1109/TVLSI.2023.3323562
[] Aibin Yan, Yu Chen, Zhongyu Gao, Tianming Ni, Zhengfeng Huang, Jie Cui, Patrick Girard, and Xiaoqing Wen, "FeMPIM: A FeFET-based Multifunctional Processing-in-Memory Cell," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 71, no. 4, pp. 2299-2303, 2024. CAA B类, 中科院大类二区. DOI: 10.1109/TCSII.2023.3331267
[] Zhongyu Gao, Aibin Yan, Zhengfeng Huang, Jing Zhang, Guangzhu Liu, Patrick Girard, and Xiaoqing Wen, "Graph-Based Multi-Task Transfer Learning for Fault Detection and Diagnosis of Few-Shot Analog Circuits," IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, Jan 2024. Major Revision.
[] Zhengfeng Huang, Liting Sun, Xu Wang, Huaguo Liang, Yingchun Lu, Aibin Yan, Jun Pan, and Xiaoqing Wen, "NEST: A Quadruple-Node Upset Recovery Latch Design and Algorithm-Based Recovery Optimization," IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. xx, no. x, pp. 1-10, 2024. CAA A类, 中科院小类一区. DOI: 10.1109/TAES.2024.3379962
[] Zhengfeng Huang, Liting Sun, Huaguo Liang, Tianming Ni, and Aibin Yan, "A Quadruple-node Upsets Hardened Latch Design Based on Cross-Coupled Elements," Journal of Electronic Testing, Accept, 2024, CCF C类.DOI: 10.1007/s10836-024-06098-7
[] Aibin Yan, Zhuoyuan Lin, Guangzhu Liu, Qingyang Zhang, Zhengfeng Huang, Jie Cui, Xiaoqing Wen, and Patrick Girard, "Nonvolatile and SEU-Recoverable Latch Based on FeFET and CMOS for Energy-Harvesting Devices," IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS2024), pp. 1-5, 2024/5/19-22, Singapore. EI, CCF C类.
[] Aibin Yan, Chen Dong, Xing Guo, Jie Song, Jie Cui, Tianming Ni, Patrick Girard and Xiaoqing Wen, "IDLD: Interlocked Dual-Circle Latch Design with Low Cost and Triple-Node-Upset-Recovery for Aerospace Applications," ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI2024), pp. 1-6, 2024/6/12-14, Tampa Bay Area, USA. CCF C类.
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本科生/UnderGrad,电路分析基础 (2024)
硕士生/Master,软件工程原理及应用 (2021-2023)
博士生/Ph.D.,"电子信息"学科前沿讲座 (2022)
本科生/UnderGrad,可编程逻辑系统综合设计 (2020-2022)
本科生/UnderGrad,软件工程课程设计/综合实践 (2019-2022)
本科生/UnderGrad,计算机科研方法导论与实践 (2020-2022)
本科生/UnderGrad,数字逻辑课程设计 (2017、2018)

Patents and Software Copyrights

[] 闫爱斌, 包晗, 江王进, 黄正峰, 倪天明, 崔杰, 孟煦, "四种低成本近似CMOS全加器", 申请号: 2024103340969
[] 闫爱斌, 江王进, 包晗, 黄正峰, 倪天明, 崔杰, 孟煦, "基于互反馈C单元的四节点翻转自恢复锁存器", 申请号: 202410333358X
[] 闫爱斌, 李坤, 常杨, 崔杰, 倪天明, 黄正峰,刘光柱, "基于六列输入分离反相器的抗单粒子双翻转的SRAM单元", 申请号: 2024103326463
[] 闫爱斌, 项婧, 常杨, 崔杰, 倪天明, 黄正峰, "基于反相器的双节点翻转加固的SRAM单元", 申请号: 2023109328720
[] 闫爱斌, 李雪华, 刘润祺, 崔杰, 倪天明, 黄正峰, "基于新型五输入多数门的QCA电路", 申请号:
[] 黄正峰, 艾磊, 吴文会, 潘俊, 鲁迎春, 梁华国, 黄纪钦, 闫爱斌, 陈新, "一种基于交叉互锁的低开销四点翻转自恢复锁存器," 申请号: 202311119821.2
[] 黄正峰, 孙立霆, 计润五, 张岩, 马东兴, 潘俊, 宋钛, 黄纪钦, 闫爱斌, 倪天明, "一种高性能低功耗的四点翻转自恢复锁存器," 申请号: 202311133714.5
[] 闫爱斌, 夏凡, 位少杰, 申震, 崔杰, 倪天明, 黄正峰, "一种基于七个C单元的双节点翻转自恢复锁存器", 申请号: 202211448884.8
[] 闫爱斌, 位少杰, 李志星, 崔杰, 周勇, 倪天明, 黄正峰, "一种基于循环反馈C单元的三节点翻转自恢复锁存器", 申请号: 202111517128.1
[] 崔宁宁, 李青竹, 崔杰, 仲红, 田苗苗, 闫爱斌, "一种云平台下的安全轨迹相似性查询方法及系统," 申请号: 202111154457.4
[] 闫爱斌, 冯祥凤, 崔杰, 应作斌, 李向前, 温晓青, "一种N-1级故障过滤表决器", 2024.2.5已授权, 201910702101.6
[] 闫爱斌, 钱奎奎, 许哲龙, 崔杰, 倪天明, 宋钛, 黄正峰, "基于C单元的三节点翻转自恢复锁存器", 2022.10.14已授权, 202011112147.1
[] 闫爱斌, 唐锡铭, 周航, 李向前, 周晗, 赵小虎, "一种容忍任意三节点翻转并过滤瞬态脉冲的锁存器", 2022.10.14已授权, 2019108097440
[] 闫爱斌, 胡元节, 陈志立, 许艳, 赵小虎, 温晓青, "一种任意三节点翻转完全自恢复的锁存器", 2022.10.14已授权, 201910218107.6
[] 李锐, 闫爱斌, 路璐, 冯祥凤, 刘思佳, 周俊, "一种任意三节点翻转完全容忍的锁存器," 2022.9.23已授权, 201811556555.9
[] 闫爱斌, 吴珍, 凌亚飞, 杨康, 崔杰, 陈志立, "一种三个内部节点翻转完全免疫的锁存器," 2021.5.25已授权, ZL201810015566X
[] 欧阳一鸣, 李胜, 黄正峰, 梁华国, 闫爱斌, 徐秀敏, "无线节点级和无线链路级的拥塞避免模块及其方法," 2017.1.25已授权, 201710060565.2
[] 刘春鸣, 闫爱斌, 黄正峰, 陈旨乐, 何倩, 赖超平, 张银磊, "一种可容忍三节点翻转的锁存器," 2020.11.10已授权, ZL2017112674530
[] 欧阳一鸣, 李胜, 黄正峰, 梁华国, 闫爱斌, 徐秀敏, "无线节点级和无线链路级的拥塞避免模块及其方法," 已授权, ZL201710060565.2
[] 黄正峰, 彭小飞, 鲁迎春, 梁华国, 易茂祥, 欧阳一鸣, 闫爱斌, "抗单粒子翻转和单粒子瞬态脉冲的锁存器," 已授权, ZL201410398366.9
[] 欧阳一鸣, 何鑫城, 韩君, 易茂祥, 詹文法, 安鑫, 闫爱斌, "片上网络中新颖的故障与拥塞模型下的容错方法," 已授权, ZL201410833884.9

[] 闫爱斌, 曹傲然, 刘润祺, 崔杰, "锁存器仿真源码自动生成软件," 中国软件著作, 2022.4.5已授权, 2022SR1367800
[] 黄正峰, 陈凡, 韩健, 闫爱斌, 梁华国, "电路软错误率分析评估及图形化工具软件," 中国软件著作, 2013.3.20已授权, 2013R11S037277

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